EPA Lead Based Paint Rule with Replacement Windows in Denver
It is important to keep your family safe and healthy, especially when it comes to renovation, repair, and painting. The federal law requires all firms working in housing or facilities where children are routinely present, constructed before 1978, to be certified. Lead paint poses a serious health risk, and any time it is disturbed, such as during remodeling or replacement window installations, it can expose lead paint particulates. Therefore, at Gravina's Window Center of Littleton®, we ensure that we follow the lead safety practices stipulated in the federal law to mitigate lead paint health risks. Despite the ban on lead paint in 1978, many homes in all areas we serve still have lead paint, and we take every precaution to keep our clients safe from its harmful effects.
Lead Safety Guidelines
The law passed by Congress mandates that all contractors working in homes built prior to 1978 must be certified by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), and are required to follow specific lead safety guidelines to prevent lead contamination. The lead safety procedures now mandated by law include:
- Properly removing and disposing of old windows and debris from the home
- Minimizing the dust and debris by using appropriate construction methods
- Keeping the work area clean of debris, such as wood chips and dust
- Preventing exposure beyond the property by effectively containing the work area
OUR Commitment
We take your concerns for your family's health very seriously. When it comes to lead safety in window replacement and entry door installation, no one takes a more rigorous approach than Gravina's Window Center of Littletonsup>®. Your family's health and our employees' health are our number one concern. We are committed to ensuring that all our installation crews are EPA certified to safely work with and remove lead based paint. Our primary concern is to ensure the health and safety of you and your family by properly eliminating any potential environmental hazards and preventing any exposure to lead paint.
All homeowners should be especially careful choosing a replacement window contractor. Any contractor working on a home built before 1978 without proper EPA certification is breaking the law and putting you and your family in danger. We will ensure your replacement windows are installed with the highest attention to lead safety if your home falls the pre-1978 category.
Learn more about the RRP Lead Paint Rule here and Download the EPA's "Renovate Right" brochure here.
The Facts About Lead
- Lead can affect children’s brains and developing nervous systems, causing reduced IQ, learning disabilities, and behavioral problems. Lead is also harmful to adults.
- Lead in dust is the most common way people are exposed to lead. People can also get lead in their bodies from lead in soil or paint chips. Lead dust is often invisible.
- Lead-based paint was used in over 38 million homes until it was banned for residential use in 1978.
- Projects that disturb painted surfaces can create dust and endanger you and your family. Don’t let this happen to you. Follow the practices described in this pamphlet to protect you and your family.